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Why should you support Privajuris?

When I was a law student, one of my summer internships allowed me to work as a "Lawyer for the Day" at the Housing Court in downtown Boston. It was my first time visiting a court, even tough I had already finished my 1L. I got there early in the morning, and I waited for my other colleagues to show up. I began to see the tenants slowly pack the outside corridors of the court. The brave ones would shyly come to me and ask me if I was a lawyer just because of how I was dressed. That day was a big revelation for me - the housing court in Boston has over 250 cases every Thursday with hundreds of people on the brink of losing their housing.

There were people there who had no idea why they were there. Others didn't know they were having a trial that day. Others where asking when their state provided lawyer will show up (there is no right to an attorney in housing court). Only less than 9% of people facing evictions have proper counsel compared to 80% of landlords.

That experience taught me how powerful is to know your rights. I became interested in technology during my time in the Navy where I worked as an IT. While in law school, that interest merged with the role law and technology have in our lives, and how crucial it is for all people to know how those two powerful factors affects their lives.

I founded Privajuris so individuals - whether lawyers, technologist, privacy specialist, or simply people interested in the subject - can have a medium to understand, share, and create ideas about the intersection of law and technology. The news constantly report about privacy violations by Facebook (Meta), government invasion of privacy rights, ransomware, hackers, etc - and I want us to have a space to discuss those issues.

Privajuris is funded out of pocket by me and if you like what you see and care about the mission, I would greatly appreciate your support. Thank you friend.

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